Here we’ll share practical perspectives, understandings, insights and realisations about self, the mind, the physical, the world, consciousness – and everything and all else in-between as the multi-dimensional existence that we currently consist of and exist as; and within that: practical support and assistance methods/tools/techniques of facing this existence as self in the process of standing-up and standing-together in changing ourselves to change the world.

Thought-Designs – Part 3

Seeing and Understanding Self as the Mind:
Thought-Designs – Part 3

A.     The Nature of Thought-Designs

1.      Current-Reality Thoughts

Within this document we’re continuing having a look at 1. Current-Reality Thoughts and the aspect of such thoughts as their manifested-‘Nature’, which we looked-at within the previous-document as being/referring to the ‘manifested momentary effect’ on the experience of ourselves in that Moment of participating in the Thought(s)/becoming the Thought(s). Wherein we specified such ‘effects’ as indicators of the primary/basic ‘Natures’ of and as Thought-Designs within and as the Conscious-Mind pertaining to the ‘Electric-Energetic’-Charge of/as a Thought-Designs within the ‘spark’ of Either:

-          Neutral
-          Positive
-          Negative

Let us then continue looking at more basic-Examples of Current-Reality Thoughts-Designs as the Nature of the Current-Reality Thought-Design in and as which they manifest within and as the Conscious-Mind as either being Neutral, Positive or Negative.
Current-Reality Thought-Designs as we Think-them within and as our Conscious-Mind to/towards our World/Reality in moments’ of sudden/unexpected change/alteration that manifest and which we in essence ‘react’-To - within, as and through Current-Reality Thoughts.
Then – together-With the Examples we’ll have a look at what such Current-Reality thought-manifestations/designs due to the ‘fast/immediate’ nature of the Thoughts / such Thoughts =  through them see/identify, actual manifested accepted self-definitions of/as personalities of/as the mind consciousness system we accept/allow to exist-as/within as we did within the Previous-document in the examples of the Wing-symbolism with the Bird flying and the self-defined connotation to/towards that in relation to Freedom.

Understand, though that – the Examples I’ll be using, as with for example the Bird flying and Freedom/Wing Symbolism is really basic examples and the extent and complexity of how we in fact establish such connotations between the Mind and Reality through symbolism, words of knowledge and information and definitions is intensive and a entirely different dimensional-reality within and as and of the Mind Consciousness System which I’ll be taking-on as we continue walking the Mind and its manifested-Existence. Though, in terms of utilizing the examples – is for you to see, realise and understand how we’ve created and established our self-definition as personalities through using reality and creating/manifesting and continuing participating in thoughts to keep-on surviving our existence as such programmed personalities of/as the Mind Consciousness System.

So, with Conscious-Mind thought-designs – what is interesting to note is that the Thoughts will emerge in relation to stimulation from/of the external reality/environment.
Meaning – an external aspect of Reality will stimulate an internal resonant-reaction, from-Which a thought within and as the Conscious-Mind is ‘birthed’.

Within the manifested-existence of and as Current-Reality thoughts – this Point of external-stimulation – is quite prominent, simulating the manifested-existence of resonant-manifestation within, as and of the Physical-Mind into and as existence within and as the Conscious-Mind as a manifested-Thought form.
This point of external-reality/environmental stimulation of/as Conscious-Mind Thoughts is ‘more’ Prominent with and as Current-Reality Thought-Designs as Current-Reality Thought-Designs ‘jump-up’ as ‘sudden, unexpected’-Reactions to/towards ‘sudden, unexpected’-Changes within/as our immediate/direct world/reality. Though, the external-reality/environmental stimulation factors-in with all Conscious-Mind Thoughts-Designs – however, more ‘subtly’ / inconspicuously.
As one continue within one’s Process one’s awareness as the Mind within and as the Physical becomes more specific as self, and one will start becoming aware of such ‘stimulation-points’ of external-reality/environmental factors/forms/changes/manifestations ‘enticing’ Thought-manifestations/forms within and as one’s Conscious-Mind. Together-with such awareness, one will also simultaneously within such Moments ‘See’ the origin/source of the creation of such a Thought within and as Self and with and within that Moment, Assist and Support self to Stop Participation from within and as the source/origin Point that initially created such a Thought as Mind-connotation and Personality self-definition to/towards reality/the environment and Change self Immediately/Instantaneously through letting that part/construct of self go.

Such Living-Application in and as the Physical in and as Practical-Application comes-with the Continued Self-Assistance and Self-Support through and as walking Breath, here within Self-Honesty - established through Writing and Speaking Self-Forgiveness, and Exploring/Investigating self within and as Writing/Speaking, and Living the Changes Seen and Realised through Self-Forgiveness and Writing in and as Practical Corrective Application.

So, with that – let us continue Looking-at, Investigating and Exploring the Manifested-Natures of/as Current-Reality Thought-Designs that can Manifest as Neutral, Positive and Negative in relation to the Resonant-Manifested reaction we ‘Experience’ as our Starting-Point Interaction/Participation within and as our World/Reality to/towards ‘sudden/unexpected’ Changes/Alterations that Manifest.

i)                    ‘Neutral’ Current-Reality Thought:


You’re in a Traffic-jam and the cars are piled-up bumper-to-bumper and beside-you, suddenly, unexpectedly – a car to your right is veering towards you, as to indicate that it wants to come-in, in front of you to join the queue in your lane , and within that immediate-change in/as your world/reality as external-environment; the thought emerge: “Here’s a car coming-in, now I have to slow-down to let it in” – so, the Thought is a neutral-statement as a reality-assessment of/as one’s experience to/towards the sudden, unexpected change within/as one’s World/Reality, and thus it is a Current-Reality Thought.

Now – to have a look at ‘Why’ this is an example of a Neutral Current-Reality Thought, and Why it constitutes as a manifested-Thought of/as the Conscious-Mind, is as follows:
If you have a look at the Thought-manifestation – the starting-point of the Thought and then the action that will lead from-It, is that of “Obligation within Morality”, which can be seen in the words: “now I HAVE to”. Wherein - you’d experience yourself as having to, out of “Moral Obligation” – give way for the car to move in front of you.
Now, understand this Point of/as “Moral-obligation” – does not stand/exist in a positive or negative sense of the manifestation of such a point, but simply because that is how you were ‘Raised / Taught’ in how to confront/deal-with/handle certain situations/circumstances/experiences in your world/reality, and so becomes like a “automatic approach” within/as the Neutral-part of/as self as the Mind as it forms ‘part of’ who/how you are within and as the Mind.
So - one’s “Moral Obligation”-controls, instead of assessing the Moment in/as Equality and Oneness, here in making a Self-Directive Decision in all that is participating in the Moment with self, as obviously – there are so much more factors/points to take into consideration with such a Move as it is not only self and the person coming-in in-front of self that is involved in that Moment, there’s other cars, other people moving across the road, your process the other person’s process, time, responsibility etc. And, so – one is “compelled / forced” within/as one’s Moral-Obligation to give-way in that Moment – instead of it being a Self-Directive decision made by self in the Moment in Breath as assessing the totality of what is here as self in/as the Moment.  

And the starting-point of/as “Moral Obligation” can tend to lead-one into the ‘Consequence of Temptation’ of/as “Self-Compromise”, wherein:
The point of/as Moral-Obligation is abused to make one’s Ego-construct of “Good-Person” ‘feel good’, yet at the same-time the negative in-Reality manifest where one, for example then get stuck at a broken red-light and the car you let in front of you passed-Through before it broke-down; and so you placed yourself in a conundrum due to your accepted and allowed Starting-Point in that Moment. Though – we’ll later-on look more at the Outflows of Actions Originating from Thoughts and How we in-fact Move through Polarities in our own World-Reality, as we function/exist-Through and as the Conscious-Mind – from a Neutral-point, to a Positive thought/action then Balancing-out into a Negative-moment Consequence in-Reality. And then from the Consequence build-up the Negative to then Diffuse the Negative through a experience/event, and then begin at a Neutral-Point again, with the Neutral-Point as a Basis for the Positive to emerge. And so - we Continue walking-through Reality within the Triad-Monument of/as the Conscious-Mind of/as Mind Consciousness System as an automated power-system existing, in, as and for Energy.

Herewith, thus more ‘context’ in relation to Current-Reality Thoughts with the Nature of/as Neutrality – and how such Thought-designs can reveal/show/expose accepted and allowed Self-Definitions of/as Personality that we accept/allow to control/influence us in Moments through/as Thought-Manifestations, instead of self actually being in and as Reality and making a self-directive decision within and as Equality and Oneness.

ii)                  ‘Positive’ Current-Reality Thought:

We’ll again utilize the same-Example as above – with the Car veering towards the left as to indicate that it’d like to join your lane within the queue you’re standing, and the statement as Thought emerge:
“Oh, it is my absolute pleasure! Please do come-in!” – a Thought-statement that is expressed within a surge of energetic-rush as you make-way for the Car to come-in, in front of you.

Now – to have a look at ‘Why’ this is an example of a Positive Current-Reality Thought, and Why it constitutes as a manifested-Thought of/as the Conscious-Mind, is as follows:
You, for example in that Moment of having the Thought manifest within your Conscious-Mind – experienced a ‘altered state’, where you went from experiencing yourself as, for example - just sitting in your car listening to music, to going-Into a ‘Feeling State of Being’ within and as the Thought; as having a ‘Uplifting Positive Energetic-Experience’. So, you ‘Changed’ immediately with and as the Thought, and - with the Nature of the Change being ‘Positive’ as ‘Uplifting’ and with the Fact that self Changed Suddenly, Unexpectedly in relation to a Change/Alteration in/as one’s world/reality – indicate/show this as a Positive Current-Reality Thought.
Positive Current-Reality Thoughts are often ‘opportunistic’. ‘Opportunistic’, meaning – the sudden, unexpected moment is used/abused to ‘gain’-Energy through creating/manifesting the Internal-‘Belief’/‘Idea’ that with being ‘Nice’/‘Good’ the person will Appreciate-you, be ‘Grateful’ and/or ‘Thankful’.  That/ such a Belief/Idea to/towards the person in the car in front of you, gives you the Instantaneous Positive Energy-Feed as the uprising in Energetic-Explosion you Experience in that Moment, which ‘feed’ your Mind Consciousness System with/as Positive-Energy. In essence - ‘feeding yourself’ with Energy through Thought and Belief, because you In-Fact have no inclination/conception in relation to what the other Person is In-Fact Experiencing and so using the moment to Feed yourself with Positive Energy.
And, so – also within that proving that ‘Positive Thoughts’ leading to acts of ‘goodness/niceness’ is not in-fact done in consideration for/of others, but only within self-interest in generating the energy in feeding oneself as one’s own Mind Consciousness System with and as Positive-Energy.

Here, then another-Example of/as a Positive Current-Reality Thought-design in relation to a sudden, unexpected as unforeseen change/alteration within and as one’s World/Reality and how such a Thought-Manifestation reveal aspects as parts of self-definition of/as and within the Mind Consciousness System in relation to what and how we’re accepting and allowing ourselves to exist-as and within, through and as Energy of Mind.

iii)                ‘Negative’ Current-Reality Thought:

We’ll again utilize the same-Example  – with the Car veering towards the left as to indicate that it’d like to join your lane within the queue you’re standing, and the statement as Thought emerge:
“Oh-No, no, no, no, no - don’t even think about trying to come-into my lane, god damn-it” – a Thought-statement that is expressed within a surge of energetic-rush as you ensure that there’s deliberately no-Space between you and the car in front of you so as to ensure the car wanting to come-in, cannot.

Now – to have a look at ‘Why’ this is an example of a Negative Current-Reality Thought, and Why it constitutes as a manifested-Thought of/as the Conscious-Mind, is as follows:
You, for example in that Moment of having the Thought manifest within your Conscious-Mind – experienced a ‘altered state’, where you went from experiencing yourself as, for example - just being in your car, awaiting the moment for you to continue moving-forward; to going-Into a ‘Emotional State of Being’ within and as the Thought; as having a ‘Surging Negative Energetic-Experience’. So, you ‘Changed’ immediately with and as the Thought, and - with the Nature of the Change being ‘Negative’ as ‘Emotional’ and with the Fact that self Changed Suddenly, Unexpectedly in relation to a Change/Alteration in/as one’s world/reality – indicate/show this as a Negative Current-Reality Thought.

As showed within Positive Current-Reality Thoughts, Negative Current-Reality Thoughts also exist as ‘Opportunistic’. Opportunistic, where – such Moments of/as sudden/unexpected Change/Alteration within and as one’s World/Reality is met with Negative Current-Reality Thoughts.
As such Moments as experiences/events/situation with/as people is used/abused to Exert / Let-out / Release Cooped-up / Accumulated / Suppressed Emotional-Energies that was not Directed/Sorted-out or faced in the past, but was accepted and allowed to be participated-in and suppressed which formed/manifested eventual layers which, through accumulation and building-up = require release. And so, once use/abuse such moments in/as one’s world/reality to lash-out / exert one’s Emotional-Instability onto/towards others/events, to so Shift Responsibility and Blame through Projection; instead of having taken Self-Responsibility in the first place.  

And, so – Negative Current-Reality Thought-Designs can assist/support self in Seeing the accepted and allowed suppressed, accumulated and built-up Emotional-Energy Reactions within and as the past that self has not directed, faced or sorted-out – through investigating the specific-Nature of/as the Emotional-energy that came-with the Current-Reality Thought-Design in/as the Moment.
For example, let’s say you see/realise that the specific-Nature of/as the Negative Current-Reality Thought-design is that of Irritation:
Then one can ‘retrace’ one’s day / past-days in having a look at the Origin/Cause/Source of where and when the Irritation started, and where/when or towards/what it wasn’t Directed,  Faced and/or Sorted-out within and as self in and as Self-Honesty, and so Apply the according/necessary Self-Forgiveness and Self Corrective Application in letting the Memory as Past-Experience go and Stop building/accumulating Irritation and Accepting/Allowing it to Manifest into Consequence to/towards others and Self-Compromise within and as self.
And within that, furthermore - assert-Self to push and discipline self to direct self immediately in moments of/as reaction; and no more accept/allow memories of past-experiences to go undirected/unsorted and accumulate/build-up within and as self, which only create/manifest Consequence and Compromise.

So, here we looked at more Manifested-Examples of/as Current-Reality Thoughts as the Manifested-Nature in/as which they exist in/as the Conscious-Mind of the Mind Consciousness System as either Neutral, Positive or Negative.

Remember – Current-Reality Thought-designs are always Thoughts / Statements that emerge in immediate direct-relation of / as one’s World/Reality in/as sudden / expected changes / alterations in/as one’s World / Reality; Changes / alterations for which one had no prior knowledge / information / preparation.
And, so – one can assist/support oneself with a Current-Reality Thoughts in detecting, seeing and originating the source/cause of self as Ego/Personality of Mind in directly-Seeing what it is that self is accepting and allowing self to live through and as the Mind.

Within the next-Document we’ll discuss/have a look at Why/How Current-Reality Thoughts will manifest as either Neutral, Positive and/or Negative and then also move-onto Looking-at the Manifested-Nature of our Next Thought-Design as Projection-Thoughts within and as the Conscious-Mind, together-With examples as we’ve now walked the Nature of/as Current-Reality Thoughts.

Thank you


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